How to Make Your Home Elevator Your Own

Designing your home elevator should be just as personal as designing your home. After all, they’re part and parcel. Not just a lifeless extension, your residential elevator needs to be a room with style and flair. A place that reflects you and your energy. 

So what options are out there? You’d be surprised at just how many choices can be made. In fact, every material, colour and finish can be customised to suit your build or your already existing home.


Elevators designed to your aesthetic 

Once you choose the elevator design you want, then the fun begins.

Now is the time to start considering your personal style. Classic, Modern, Edgy, Bold, Minimalist. What suits you and your home? 

Often clients will come in with a specific look that they want brought through their entire house (that means the elevator too!) So it’s important to know that materials are all fully customisable. Walls, skinplates, floors, accessories, even your lighting can be mixed and matched to your liking. There’s even a wide range of luxury design metal structures (suitable for indoor and outdoor application) to pick and choose from, or customised from scratch just for you. Just ask.


how to customise your home elevator for your space

Mix and match your elevator style

With all materials and finishes sourced globally, elevator design continues to stay ahead of the curve with the most up to date trends and styles. 

For walls, there is a beautiful range of horizontal timber laminate in a variety of colours and textures. Luxury skinplate cladding comes in over 200 colours and there are stainless steel and mirrored options available. For flooring, choose from PVC and granite options. Or for those who wish to continue a look right through the house, bring your own flooring material to create your unique style. 

skinplate options for your home lift

cabin colours for your home elevator
Choose from a selection of over 200 RAL colours.


Accessories and how we light up your ride

Your elevator look doesn’t just stop at the walls and floors. It’s often the smallest details that make the biggest impact. Intently watching your cabin display go from Ground to First Floor is a go-to time waster inside any elevator, so it’s important it (as well as all the other fine details) matches your look, precisely. Accessories to consider include cabin and landing door digital displays, push buttons with braille and LED cabin lighting. Ensuring you have the right combination is what really takes your elevator to the ‘next level’.

How to make your home elevator design your own | Platinum Elevators

Push button options include colour coding, braille and auto dial buttons.
Push button options include colour coding, braille and auto dial buttons.
Choose from standard LED spotlights or opt for designer LED cabin lighting.
Choose from standard LED spotlights or opt for designer LED cabin lighting.
Digital Display options for landing doors and cabin.
Digital Display options for landing doors and cabin.


Most important to remember is this shouldn’t be thought of as a cut-and-paste metal travelator. Think of your new elevator as another room in your home. One that expresses your home’s style, making you feel comfortable as soon as you step inside. With so many finishes, designs, accessories and materials the design choices are yours to be realised.



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